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International Exchange and Cooperation Office Qujing Normal University
Posted:2025-01-18    Views:     Source:
Founded in July 2006,the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange(IECO) is a functional department of the university responsible for overseeing international collaboration, foreign affairs, and matters related to Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. Its primary role is to organize, coordinate, and manage activities in the realm of international cooperation and exchange.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Policy Implementation and Planning: Implement the guidelines, policies, and regulations of the Party and the state related to foreign affairs. Align with the strategic goals of education in the new era of international openness, develop comprehensive plans for the university’s international engagement, and promote internationalization at both institutional and departmental levels.

  2. International Cooperation and Exchange: Facilitate the university’s strategic partnership programs, organize and coordinate major international events, expand and maintain international collaboration initiatives, and oversee the review and approval of foreign affairs activities.

  3. Foreign Expert Recruitment and Management: Administer the recruitment, onboarding, and services for foreign experts, including formulating management policies and workflows, designing and evaluating foreign expert programs, managing entry procedures, accommodation, and financial matters, as well as processing work permits, residence permits, and organizing cultural events for foreign experts.

  4. Student Mobility Programs: Oversee student study-abroad initiatives, including designing, applying for, and implementing national scholarship programs; planning, executing, and evaluating overseas exchange funding projects; managing and assessing inter-university exchange programs, visiting scholar programs, joint degree programs, and short-term study-abroad opportunities; as well as managing travel approvals, monitoring student experiences abroad, and conducting post-return evaluations.

  5. Major International Projects: Coordinate and manage key initiatives such as discipline innovation projects with international partners and Sino-foreign joint education programs. Liaise with relevant authorities for project applications, assessments, and evaluations.

  6. Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Affairs: Promote collaboration with universities in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, facilitate academic exchanges and visits, and manage key educational exchange projects, including project applications, implementation, and reporting.

  7. International Events and Visitor Management: Organize international conferences, issue visa invitations for short-term foreign visitors, and coordinate cultural and academic exchange programs between China and other countries.

  8. Faculty and Staff International Travel: Manage the review, approval, and administrative processes for faculty and staff’s official overseas travel (including visits to Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan). Provide pre-departure training and guidance for faculty and staff traveling abroad for official or personal purposes.

  9. Administrative Support: Manage the day-to-day operations of the Party Committee’s Office for Foreign Affairs.

  10. Other Duties: Undertake additional responsibilities assigned by university leadership and relevant authorities.